Senator Ron Johnson: “We need to get the truth out, not just about the COVID vaccine. I’m going to take it personally to make sure that the childhood vaccination program is explored and that the fact that these things have never been tested against a true placebo is exposed.“
Did you know that none of the vaccines on the childhood schedule were tested against an inert saline placebo and none of the trials were long enough to accurately measure harms? @ICANdecide
— Mary Talley Bowden MD (@MdBreathe) August 4, 2024
Pfizer’s bio distribution studies on the lipid nanoparticles show that they literally take those messenger RNA strands into every part of your body. They go into your brain and your lungs and your heart and your liver and your reproductive organs and your bone marrow and everywhere, which is, by the way, why these COVID shots have caused a a greater array of side effects than any other medical treatment in history. Because this toxic spike protein ends up in literally every part of your body.”
They Knew. They All Knew. They Terminated Everyone Who Stood Against Them.
— Wall Street Apes (@WallStreetApes) August 3, 2024
“I was fired after 31 years as an emergency room physician with not one single patient complaint against me in those 31 years.”
“I was fired for saying that somebody who had natural immunity didn't need…
Injection victim testifies to completing world-first DNA testing that confirms DNA integration of the Moderna injection she received. Strangely, she also reports Pfizer has been detected in her DNA.
Injection victim testifies to completing world-first DNA testing that confirms DNA integration of the Moderna injection she received.
— “Sudden And Unexpected” (@toobaffled) August 3, 2024
Strangely, she also reports Pfizer has been detected in her DNA.